Text: 1 John3:8
Everyone is born with a purpose. Many people have died without discovering their purpose. No purpose, no progress, no success, until you discover your purpose, life is without focus.
Jesus came for a purpose. What is your purpose? Is your life assignment the main reason why you are here? No one is here for nothing, but you must make a discovery of your purpose. Jesus came as an answer to the destroyer of purpose. Your purpose is the question for which you were created to answer.
Why are you here? Definitely not for sightseeing, obviously not just to add numbers to the human race. Discover your purpose today and recover your success from the wicked hand of failure.
The wisest man, after attaining success said, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity". Eccl1:2. If you are successful without discovering your purpose, all is vanity, emptiness and chasing of the wind. If the wisest man could not find answers under heaven, then we must look to heaven for answers. Your purpose is laid in your natural abilities, interests, and those things that unlock your compassion.
When you discover your divine purpose, you will find success. As you are about to enter a new month in which Nigeria is commemorating the national independence, God, Almighty will set you free from all demonic activities in Jesus' Name. "Amen".
Discover your purpose today.
Pastor E. O. Ohuneniese
Zonal Chairman